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A Storied Space Decorating


A unique re-decorating experience that focuses on creating sacred spaces in your home to reflect your personal style and tell your unique story: grandma's rocking chair, your wedding photo, and that special candelabra from your daughter's first birthday. A home adorned with meaning and marked by memories grounds us in the reality of our own lived experience; of those who have gone before us, lived alongside us, and of times holding special significance. Together, we'll transform your home into a sanctuary that tells the story of your life and surrounds you with memories of who you are, where you come from, and the marks with meaning the purpose of your life.

Redeeming The Table


5313 Black Oak Lane, Waxhaw, NC, USA

Cancellation Policy

Because the safety and integrity of the group is dependent upon each members attendance, each member is allowed to miss only one session during the course.

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